Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Kommst du mit? Do you want to come along? Bạn có muốn đi cùng?
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Đến to come kommen
Chúng tôi sẽ đi xem phim vào Thứ bảy. Cậu có muốn đi cùng chúng tôi không? + We're going to the movies on Saturday. Do you want to come with us?
Cậu có muốn tôi đến cùng cậu không, hay cậu thích đi một mình hơn? + Do you want me to come with you, or would you prefer to go alone?
Tôi không nghĩ là họ tới. Đó là một sự bất ngờ toàn tập. + I wasn't expecting them to come. It was a complete surprise.
Chúng tôi đã có kì nghỉ tuyệt vời đến nỗi chúng tôi không muốn về nhà. + We had such a good time on vacation that we didn't want to come home.
Họ đã tìm được một mẩu bằng chứng quan trọng và giờ hắn đã ngồi tù rồi. + They happened to come across an important piece of evidence, and now he's in prison.

Cô ấy muốn trở thành một nhà thơ. + She wants to come a poet.

Tôi e là tôi không được khỏe nên hôm nay không thể đến cơ quan được. + I'm afraid I'm not well and won't be able to come in today.

Tôi e là tôi không được khỏe nên hôm nay không thể đến cơ quan được. + I'm afraid I'm not well and won't be able to come in today.
GNOT Spatial • motion to come đến +
GNOT Spatial • motion to come along +
GNOT Spatial • motion to come + to NP +
GNOT Qualitative • age to come of age +
SNOT Personal identification • origin to come from… +
SNOT Daily life • at home to come home +
SNOT Relations with other people • invitations to come and see… +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-8 stammen to come (from), to descend   (stammt, stammte, hat gestammt)
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-5 begegnen  to meet, to come across so   (begegnet, begegnete, ist begegnet)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-3 entstehen to come into being   (entsteht, entstand, ist entstanden)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-5 kommen 1. to come, 2. to get to, 3. to follow, 4. to go   (kommt, kam, ist gekommen)
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-9 ausmachen 1. to switch off, 2. to arrange, 3. to matter, 4. to come to an agreement   (macht aus, machte aus, hat ausgemacht)
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-19 abholen 1. to come for someone, 2. to fetch or to pick up something   (holt ab, holte ab, hat abgeholt)
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-12 lösen 1. to solve, 2. to come off, 3. to buy   (löst, löste, hat gelöst)
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-6 Ich finde es sehr nett von Ihnen, dass Sie mich abholen.  + es  I think it's very nice of you to come and pick me up.  Tôi nghĩ rằng bạn rất tốt bụng đến đón tôi.
Exercise 2-3 Der Chef hat ihn zu sich gebeten.  + bitten* The boss asked him to come in.  Ông chủ yêu cầu ông vào.
Exercise 2-4 Dafür müssen Sie persönlich vorbeikommen.  + persönlich You'll have to come by personally.  Bạn sẽ phải đến cá nhân.
Exercise 3-6 Sie brauchen morgen nicht zu kommen. Ich schaffe das alleine.  + brauchen You don't have to come tomorrow. I can handle this on my own.  Bạn không phải đến vào ngày mai. Tôi có thể tự giải quyết vấn đề này.
Exercise 4-7 Ich würde gerne kommen, aber es geht leider nicht.  + aber I'd love to come, but I can't.  Tôi muốn đến, nhưng tôi không thể.
Exercise 7-9 Die Schüler mussten einzeln zum Direktor kommen.  + einzeln The students had to come individually to the principal's office.  Các sinh viên phải đến từng cá nhân với văn phòng hiệu trưởng.
Exercise 8-4 Ich würde ja gern kommen, aber es geht wirklich nicht.  + ja I'd love to come, but I really can't.  Tôi muốn đến, nhưng tôi thực sự không thể.
Exercise 10-1 Wann soll ich kommen? Passt es Ihnen morgen Abend?  + passen When do you want me to come? Is tomorrow night good for you?  Khi nào bạn muốn tôi đến? Đêm mai là tốt cho bạn?
Exercise 13-3 Du musst zurückkommen, bevor es dunkel wird. + bevor You have to come back before dark. Bạn phải trở lại trước khi bóng tối.
Exercise 13-8 Die Partei hofft, bei der nächsten Wahl an die Macht zu kommen.  + Macht The party hopes to come to power at the next election.  Đảng hy vọng sẽ lên nắm quyền tại cuộc bầu cử tiếp theo.
Exercise 15-5 Der Arzt muss sofort kommen. + sofort The doctor needs to come right away. Bác sĩ cần phải đến ngay.
Exercise 17-5 Wann soll ich kommen?  + sollen* When do you want me to come?  Khi nào bạn muốn tôi đến?
Exercise 22-1 Der Erfolg lässt noch auf sich warten.  + warten Success is yet to come.  Thành công vẫn chưa đến.
Exercise 24-6 Wäre es möglich, dass du etwas früher kommst?  + möglich Would it be possible for you to come sooner?  Liệu bạn có thể đến sớm hơn không?
Exercise 37-2 Die Passagiere Schulz und Kaufmann sollen bitte zur Information kommen.  + Passagier Passengers Schulz and Kaufmann are requested to come for information.  Hành khách Schulz và Kaufmann được yêu cầu đến để lấy thông tin.
Exercise 37-4 Muss ich nochmal wiederkommen? – Nein, das ist nicht notwendig.  + notwendig Do I have to come back again? No, that is not necessary.  Tôi có phải quay lại không? Không, điều đó không cần thiết.
Exercise 40-4 Danke, sie müssen mich nicht begleiten. Ich finde allein heraus.  + herausfinden* Thanks, you don't have to come with me. I'll find out for myself.  Cảm ơn, bạn không phải đi cùng tôi. Tôi sẽ tìm ra cho bản thân mình.
Exercise 42-7 Ich überredete ihn mitzukommen.  + überreden I persuaded him to come with me.  Tôi thuyết phục anh ta đi cùng tôi.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour brünstig werden/sein + to come into/be in heat + C
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour rossig werden/sein + to come into/be in heat [mare] + C
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour läufig werden/sein + to come into/be in heat [dog] + C
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour rollig werden/sein + to come into/be in heat [cat] + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement General kommen + to come + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement upwards and downwards herunterkommen + to come down + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement upwards and downwards sich senken + to come down; subside; sink; descend + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement tappen + to come/go falteringly + C
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media erscheinen + to come out, be published + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport zur Landung ansetzen + to come in to land + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Shipping anlegen + to come in, arrive [ship] + B
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post mit der ersten Post kommen + to come with/in the first post + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations General an die Macht kommen + to come to power + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political activity zu einem Kompromiss kommen + to come to a compromise + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations General an die Macht gelangen (elev.) + to come to power + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government in Kraft treten + to come into force + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs eine radikale Entziehungskur machen + to come off drugs cold turkey + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
C 難得 + * * nan2de2 difficult to get/ hard to come by/ rare/ seldom selten, nicht leicht zu bekommen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
2454 盼望 梦想 早日 实现 + I long for my dream to come true soon.
Lesson 005. What’s your name?
lai2 + to come
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
Huan1ying2 zai4 lai2. + Welcome to come again.
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
chu1 + to come out / to go out
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
chu1lai + to come out
Lesson 010. Meeting New People. Business Cards in China.
dao4 ... lai2 + to come to / arrive
Lesson 015. Making Phone Calls in Chinese.
hui2lai + to come back / to return
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
dao4...lai2 + to come to a certain place
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
dao4 Zhong1guo2 lai2 + to come to China
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
dao4 Mei3guo2 lai2 + to come to America
Lesson 030. Quick Review. Directions and Location.
chu1lai + to come out
Lesson 030. Quick Review. Directions and Location.
jin4lai + to come in
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
Ru2guo3 ni3 xiang3 lai2 Zhong1guo2, ni3 bi4xu1 you3 qian1zheng4. + If you want to come to China, you must have a visa.
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
Ta1 yao1qing3 wo3 lai2 can1jia1 ta1men de hun1li3. + He invited me to come and participate in their wedding.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

on peut me forcer à venir, pas à parler + I can be forced to come, not to speak

elle a promis de venir régulièrement + she promised to come regularly

il invitait souvent des compagnons de son âge à venir + he often invited his same-age companions to come over

la ville paraît sortie du dix-neuvième siècle + the city seemed to come straight out of the nineteenth century

ce renouveau doit, naturellement, commencer par en haut + this renewal of course has to come top-down
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie